Elemental Beings Online Shop

Solar Flare Psychic Protection Ardmano Crystal Skull Healing

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Product Details

Thursday 4th July 2024

9pm-10pm BST

£12.50 or £15 inc Vat

(There is no live video, link or recording of this distant healing session)

Alphedia Arara welcomes you to join her with her beautiful huge Galactic Master Preseli Bluestone 28kg crystal skull Ardmano who this week is offering to assist with Solar Flare Psychic Protection.

Ardmano is a master healing crystal skull and his powerful protective energy can assist us as we got through these powerful coronal mass ejections from the sun which can cause us to experience body pain, tiredness, ungroundedness, headaches, difficultly focussing, flu like symptoms and motivation issues.

In this healing Ardmano will be supporting your energy body to cope by increasing our auric field of protections strength and grounding us fully into body.

He will be offering a psychic debris energy field healing to remove anything you have unwittingly picked up any entities, hooks and cords, spirit attachments.

Ardmano will also support us reducing Electro Magnetic Frequency (EMF) and radiation effects on your physical bodies.

This will increase our available energy levels and strengthen our auric space around our bodies.

In this hours transmission Ardmano will:

First 20 minutes – Ardmano will work on a deep cleansing of your aura, your subtle energy bodies removing any attachments that are draining your energy field.

Next 20 minutes – Ardmano will start to heal any issues the solar flare mass ejections have had on our auric fields and bodies.

Ardmano will in the last 20 minutes will strengthen our auras and increase our protection shield of light.

Channelled Message from Ardmano:


I am Ardmano is wonderful to come forward to support you at this intense solar flare time on Earth.

Many of you are feeling the effects of this and I wish to smooth your passage.

I will work on a full auric cleansing and strengthening to support you going ahead.

I will also help you to assimilate with greater ease the new Codes the sun emitted out for you to receive.

These flare experiences bring through great soul ascension opportunities but you do have look after your auras just like you would your physical body in a snow storm which occurs to cleanse the land.

It is always an honour an a joy to be off service offering my healing work.


As always Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu will be holding the space to connect in each and every one of you who wishes to part of this transmission to the consciousness of Ardmano.

There will be no live recording or video of this, as this is a real time receiving transmission like receiving distance healing.

Booking this transmission your name will be placed under Ardmano and connected into his matrix by Alphedia Arara at the start of this transmission.

It is advised that you drink plenty of water before and after this transmission.

If you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Ardmano and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.

You will still receive the healing in real time through your multidimensional self.

Maybe you will wish to journal after the healing for the next few days to notice how you are feeling and how things are shifting in your life.

You may wish to print out a photograph of Ardmano and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.

You are most welcome to join us:

Thursday 4th July 2024

9pm-10pm BST

£12.50 or £15 inc Vat

There will be no audio, video or recording of this real time transmission.

It is happening in the multidimensional universal form of consciousness.

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